Monday, July 21, 2008

God's Will Be Done

Prayer, pray without ceasing, ask and you shall receive, the prayers of the righteous are heard, pray, pray, pray!

How do you pray when you don't know what to pray for?

I pray God's will be done.

That's a heavy prayer.

God's will be done!?

What if God's will and my will are different?

What if I want something and God gives me something else?

God's will be done.

I guess I should not get too alarmed at asking for God's will to be done.

He is loving...He loves me more than I could imagine and the plans He has for me are plans to prosper me, not to harm me - to give me a hope and a future, right?!

God's will be done.

Do I trust Him? That is the real question.

Do I really trust that my God loves me, cares for me, will provide for me?

God's will be done.

Come what may, God has my best intentions.

I will rejoice in His will for me because I will see that all along His way was better than my way, His thoughts higher than my thoughts - He is God after all.

God's will be done.

God's will be done...Do I trust Him?

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, rise up on wings like eagles and soar...I would like that. Pray. Pray God's will be done.


Michael said...

You know, God's Will will be done whether we ask for it or not. :) I think it's okay for our prayers to be at least a tad more self-oriented than that, if not even selfish. God wants us to work for our salvation, no? So we should experience fulfilment of our desires, quickly, so that we may learn whether our desires are aligned with God or not.

So...what about that Mercedes? :D

MistiPearl said...

Point taken. There is a measure of comfort though, in giving all your concerns/desires over to God and let Him work in your circumstances. Not only comfort, but trust as well. In this type of prayer, you are choosing to trust God.

I also agree that it is acceptable to ask for specifics. However, God is not Santa Claus, right?!:) Concerning that Mercedes (nice choice of car, by-the-way;) in colour??), might I suggest that you read Daniel 10...but don't be surprised though, if you find that you will have to labour and save for that beaut as opposed to divine intervention:)

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