Saturday, April 25, 2009

the corner

finding your voice
knowing yourself
standing for truth
living for good
growing unafraid
finding your niche
wanting peace, security, and...
being true to yourself and to God

This journey is coming upon a new corner,
what I will find around the corner, I do not know.
It is in this time that I feel much struggle with all of the above
and more than that.
The physical, spiritual, and emotional battlefields are plugged full of poison arrows as I cross the plains to reach this corner.



Ray Anselmo said...

I am right there, right now, sister. Thanks for the added confirmation and inspiration.

MistiPearl said...

lol...It is nice to know (in some strange way) that you are not alone eh?! My prayers are that beyond your corner will reveal many wonderful things, namely the face of God!!

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They Did Not Realize

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. ~John 21:4