Sunday, November 29, 2009

Words for a Season...


Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Day of the Lord

Moment to moment
my mind is refined
constantly refocusing on Jesus
instead of longing for this or that, I focus on Jesus
As the days pass, I find a Peace that transcends understanding filling my heart and my mind

Moment to moment
I am reminded I am but a stranger, an alien here
my home is with Jesus
a place where I will be welcomed, wanted, and loved
I long for this

Moment to moment
I look to my God
I desire His return
I try to remain in Him
looking forward to that Day

The Day of the Lord.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Truths About God

Truths about God (via Charles Stanley)

1. God is completely sovereign.
2. God is infinitely wise.
3. God loves us perfectly.

Take comfort in these truths.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Just Dance...

Sway and leap
Dance to My music, the sound that you hear
Stretch and twirl
Laugh and giggle, shine with Me
Release yourself to the joy within and...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ode to Fly

The spirit of life still courses though the fragile creature
a gentle presence seems to envelop us in a blanket of warmth
under the multitude of stars on this chilly night the cry of despair is heard
all of nature hears the groan of mourning

Past images pulse through the mind as the sleepless night relentlessly continues, seemingly unending
The joy of these images are held brief in the heart as reality slashes through them...mercilessly
Tears flow forth and in a steady stream without shame

Only earlier all was well
Now, all is changed
Mourning is not denied.
Life goes on.
Life must go on...changed, but moving forward.
Never in my life have I been so attached to an animal. Nor have I been so impacted by death (except for when my Poppa passed on). Death seems to be all around me right now, as my cat and three acquaintances have passed on in the past few days. It is heart wrenching to feel the impact of these deaths and to see the effect it has had on others(...which breaks my heart just as much.)

Comfort came directly from God for me. Though there were moments when I wanted to seek out comfort elsewhere, it would have been a fruitless endeavor. He knew my heart better than anybody does and thus, I allow Him to tend to it. I am too weary to do anything else.

It is reminding myself of His Word, His promises that provides some comfort, but more than that. God is present with me in a way that is meaningful to me, completing all that I need in this moment. I am very thankful for that.

Now, as I continue on my day, reflecting of the death of our kitten, friends, family, and soldiers unknown...I give thanks to God for being there for me and all others who seek Him out in our time of need.

Thank you Father.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I have never felt so lonely as I feel right now.  In transition, completely out of place, and facing many unknowns.  Right now, I am trying to stay focused upon my relationship with Jesus. He is my husband, my protector, my confidant, my friend.  He is the one who comforts me as I face so many questions about my present and my future.

The older I get, the more I desire to be comforted.  Not just by a "lover", but by friends, position, financially....Ironically, I am spiritually comforted more than I ever have been in my life.  I look forward to eternal life after death with Jesus Christ - my Saviour and my King.  Saying that though, I do not sense that my purpose here on earth in this lifetime has yet been fulfilled.

I take on a positive attitude and attempt to function moment to moment, laying aside my concerns and yet, deep within, there is an invasive sadness that is as heavy and thick as my name might suggest.  Living shrouded by "mystery" is wearing thin.  The desire to know and be known stirs.  Though, I suppose, that "mystery" is an integral part of what makes me me.  It is what I know and I function from it.

I wonder about Jesus and how he, though infinitely more loved and infinitely more hated, coped.  Right now, I imagine all the "Good Bible-reading Christians" are thinking the seemingly obvious - Jesus retreated into prayer and all his concerns were soothed by his supernatural connection with God the Father.

Ha! ...Yes and no.

We know Jesus would have sought and received comfort in this fashion just as any of us would, but he would also have grappled with loneliness and uncertainty as we do; otherwise, how could he understand what we go through?...what I am going through??

The lonely outcast portion of Jesus' time on earth does give me comfort.  Not because he suffered, but because he suffered thus he understands.  He knows what every person on earth who is steeped in alienation, loneliness, and uncertainty feels like and he knows how to provide comfort to us in this season  of our lives...And he also guides us through and out of this season into a richer existence (if none other than knowing him more intimately, which is the greatest of rewards).

So, I hold on to my hope in Him.  I do not deny the feelings and concerns that ebb and flow within me each day, but I do not allow them to drown me.  Living moment to moment, I look for Him and commune with Him - holding nothing back knowing God will provide.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. ~Matt. 7: 7-8

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They Did Not Realize

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. ~John 21:4