Saturday, October 24, 2009

Many said...

Many say it could not be done
Many doubted
Many walked away...

I do not agree with Many
For with God, all things are possible!

If you don't believe me,
Ask Him yourself.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Sincerest Condolences

BY   Fanny J. Crosby

When my life work is ended, 
and I cross the swelling tide,
When the bright and glorious morning I shall see
I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side,
And His smile will be the first to welcome me.

 Oh, the soul thrilling rapture when I view His blessed face
And the luster of His kindly beaming eye;
How my full heart will praise Him for the mercy, love, and grace
That prepared for me a mansion in the sky.

 Oh, the dear ones in glory, how they beckon me to come,
And our parting at the river I recall;
To the sweet vales of Eden they will sing my welcome home,
But I long to meet my Saviour first of all.

 Thro' the gates of the city in a robe of spotless white,
He will lead me where no tears will ever fall;
In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight,
But I long to meet my Saviour first of all.

 I shall know Him, I shall know Him
And redeemed by His side, I shall stand
I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Describe Jesus...Part 2

Describe Jesus in one word.
Thank you for the responses!

It is an odd thing, isn't it...describing Jesus in one word. If I asked you to describe your partner or your parent in one word, would it be easier or more difficult? I mean, we know the "right" answer to describing Jesus...something positive...something glorious, right?! Are we brave enough to analyze our relationship with Jesus with the same scrutiny as we would describe our partner or our parent?

That aside, do we have a relationship with Jesus?

For quite some time now, I have been paying attention to different churches locally and abroad. I have been listening to their message, watching...

The thing that has struck me the most in many circles, is that we are not being taught about having a relationship with Jesus so much as having a relationship with the church institution and with each other. Now, this is not entirely a bad thing, but it does leave one left to engage in a lonely search to discover who we base our faith, our life/lifestyle, morals, and ethical existence upon. We are Christians...Christ-followers...Jesus Christ. But who exactly is He?!

Who is Jesus? I mean, who was Jesus when He was on the earth in human form?

To determine that, we need to go to the Bible and read...not just read, but investigate context. I think that many of us read the Bible looking for the do's and don'ts, the promises, the hope, and we when we look at the story, we only skim the surface.

To know who Jesus was/is, we need to understand the context of the story and of the words written. Basically, we need to dig deeper and learn about the history and culture. Sounds like work? Don't sweat it! Remember, we claim we have a relationship with Jesus, shouldn't we want to know Him better...wouldn't you learn all you can about your partner...why would you not do the same (and more) for your God? It does take time, as with any relationship, but it is worth it!  God wants us to know Him, He desires a deep, loving relationship with us, not a superficial "I'm God and your not - so suck it up and do as I say" existence.

My challenge for you today is to pick one of the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) and begin to read and investigate the text. Pick the scripture apart, imagine yourself there as part of the story, question things that just don't make sense to you and find out who Jesus really is!

This is not a challenge that you should partake alone. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you and do speak to others about what you are learning and what you question...and let me know what you find.

May you seek and find, learn and grow, and experience Perfect Love...and share...all to the Glory of God.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Describe Jesus to Me in One Word - Part 1

What do we need in our lives right now?
Have you really given that much thought lately? I know we give the whole "personal relationship with Jesus" thing some mildly convincing lip service, but do we really pursue knowing who the person Jesus really was and is?

If you had to describe Jesus in one word,what He means to you, right now, what would it be?

I want to know.

Describe Jesus to me in one word.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prayer to Resolve

Gentle God-man
Lord of all
Show me Your heart
Let me fall...
Into Your plans
One by one
Moment by moment
Your Will be done.

You've carried me thus far
Some days kicking and screaming
The wonder of your mercy and grace rolls by me like waves
Over and over your Love for me abounds
Still...I doubt, I rebel, I cling to my chains

...yet all I need to do is let go...

Holy One
Lord God Most High
To You be the Glory!
My self must die
Forgive me my sins
Cleanse me I pray
Renew a right spirit
Fill me this day.

Jesus, fill me with Your Truth, Your Love...You.

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They Did Not Realize

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. ~John 21:4