Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sakura, sakura...

I lived in Hirakata-shi, Osaka-fu, Japan about 19 years ago (wow, it doesn't seem that long ago!) and while I was there, I met Keiko. Keiko and I are about the same age and we developed a great friendship. Her mom and dad became my adoptive parents while I was there; they are very dear to me. I keep in touch with the family and recently Keiko sent me some pictures of the cherry blossoms (sakura)...double cherry blossoms!

The cherry trees are absolutely fantastical when in bloom, even as the petals drop the world seems to take on a magical feel, like you have been transported to an entirely different world. The Japanese take time to admire and celebrate the Sakura with festivals, parties, and picnics. It is an absolutely delightful time.

Picnic in the park...

Osaka castle in the background...

Blossoms around the Imperial Palace moat....

There is a simple children's song that I learned and the lyrics are Romanji and English


sakura sakura ......................Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms
no-yama mo sato mo ..........On meadow-hills and dale,
mi-watasu kagiri .................As far as you can see.
kasumi ka kumo ka .............Is it a mist or clouds?
asahi ni niou ..........................Fragrant in the morning sun.
sakura sakura .......................Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
hana-zakari ...........................Flowers in full bloom.
sakura sakura .......................Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
yayoi no sora wa ...................Across the spring sky,
mi-watasu kagiri ...................As far as you can see.
kasumi ka kumo ka ...............Is it a mist or clouds?
nioi zo izuru ............................Fragrant in the air.
iza ya iza ya ............................Come now, come,
mi ni yukan ............................Let's look at last!

Single Petal Sakura
Being from the West, Japan is somewhat of a different world. A beautiful place to visit. While I was there, I traveled as far north as Tokyo and as far south as Okinawa. Perhaps I will get there again some day....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NINETEEN years ago??? That's really hard to believe. I didn't realize you were that old! LOL

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