Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lessons from Stories

What a beautiful morning, chilly, but beautiful! Perhaps I will go for a walk later on. Right now, my mind keeps drifting back to the people I have encountered over the past 5 or 6 days...There are many stories that have formed my week past - some tragic, some lonely, some exciting, some joyful...I am reflecting upon the lessons learned with each encounter.

I have learned that dying alone is socially taboo in my community. The interesting thing is that even though family (and any friends that might have been) refuse to sit with the dying, God, I believe, still sends His ministering angels...the person is never truly alone. I have also learned that being alone at the end of your life or during illness gives you too much time to think - usually self-condemning thoughts. I have also learned that my heart leans towards wanting to put aside my scheduled activity to fill a gap of need in others. Which is sometimes not possible. Either I must maintain my schedule or the gap of need I want to fill cannot be met by me - my intervention is not the answer.

I have learned that there is opportunity in the oddest places. This being said, I have also learned that I need to organize my information and research more effectively so I have more time to synthesize and create instead of spending copious amounts of time searching for what I need!

Something else that was reinforced in my thinking this week speaks from the Word of God that says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn" Romans 12:14-16 is an important response to strengthen relationships and when you respond contrary to these words, relationship is impaired. Talking to someone who is self-absorbed all the time is disheartening and even though you want to be there for them, it can be difficult to engage in a friendship that takes without sincerely giving back. I have learned this from both ends of the equation....

One other thing I have learned is that God does work through me to the benefit of others, and even though I recognize that it is entirely Him at work, the thanks given by the beneficiaries is misdirected and I do not (to my shame) always openly redirect the thanksgiving to where it God...It should be thanks to God alone. From this, I am resolving to respond with redirecting credit where credit is due; with this I need God to help me. It does not come naturally and it is something I need to work on with sincerity and grace.

Lessons from stories... many stories woven together in a tapestry of magnificent design. We all are each a thread in this masterpiece and I find it exciting and interesting to watch, participate, and know that my story is a part of a much larger John Eldredge says, "For when you were born, you were born into an Epic that has already been under way for quite some time. It is a Story of beauty and intimacy and adventure, a Story of danger and loss and heroism and betrayal."
(Excerpt taken from Epic,)

Are you learning any lessons from the stories interwoven in your life? If you are so inclined, I would love to hear them...

1 comment:

Renae said...

Sounds like God has been talking to you, my friend! Thanks for sharing that wisdom with the rest of us.

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Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. ~John 21:4