Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jesus, My Father, the CIA, And Me - Book Review and Free Give Away


Skimming across my book choices, this title caught my eye. The content of the book; however, involves a slightly more difficult topic than what one might expect in a "memoir".

Mr. Cron presents a wonderfully witty and laugh-out-loud version of his life...Actually, this is only partly true. Though I did thoroughly enjoy his writing (...and I did laugh out loud at parts), Mr Cron touched my heart with his story.

He starts in his youth, creating a good base for understanding why he did what he did and what lessons he learned along the way. His father, being a significant influence to his choices, offered some wise advice: "Don't write checks against your life that you can't cover." (Good words to heed.)

Delving into the author's struggles, he reflects:

"There were kids in the Bowdoin Fellowship who were C.S.Lewis and Josh McDowell addicts, eager to develop a rational case for the faith so they could defend it against the intellectual objections of pagan professors. I wanted to fit in with them and enjoy discussing apologetics, but it was thin gruel to me. I didn't want to parse God--I wanted to be swept up in his glory. I didn't want to understand the Holy One; I wanted to be consumed in his oceanic love. I yearned for heaven, and as long as it remained beyond my reach, my life was tinged with disappointment.
      How could I know that my growing attachement to drinking was nothing more than a displaced longing for this kind of ecstatic experience of God?
      Besides, what would I have done differently if I'd known? I would have tried to figure out a way to have both Spirit and spirits. How else can I explain a twenty-year-old trying to swim in the depths of God, while clutching a glass of Scotch over his head?"

 From innocent childhood memories to not-so-innocent memories, Mr. Cron allows the reader into a world that many (many) people can relate to and how he managed to navigate through it with, and seemingly without, God.

Jesus, My Father, the CIA, And Me...A Memoir of Sorts by Ian Morgan Cron would be a great addition to your library...And, if you would like a free copy, I have one to give away. Please leave a comment describing your dad - in one word for a chance to win this copy. I will be sending out this book August 1st.

"Jesus, My Father, the CIA, And Me...A Memoir of Sorts has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Thomas Nelson".


prmcasey said...

one word is hard... however I would have to say.. 'everything'. he is tender, he is tough, he is serious, he is silly, he is love, he is anger, he is a teacher, he is a learner, he is the hand that guides me and the shoulder I lean on, the voice inside my head telling me to continue my adventure, he is adventure, he is stability, he is the past that guides the future.. he is my dad :) everything

MistiPearl said...

Thanks for your wonderful comment Pam! Your book is on its way... :)

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Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. ~John 21:4